一个多世纪前,第一家乐博彩票官方app公司来到印尼. 今天, at least 50 Swedish companies are making steady progress in Southeast Asia’s largest economy of 270 million inhabitants. Although the business landscape is currently fraught with uncertainty due to the Covid-19 crisis, the projections indicate that 印尼 will regain its momentum in 2021.

This is not surprising given 印尼’s impressive economic performance since the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. 事实上,该国GDP年增长率一直保持在5%.过去50年的增长率为6%,极端贫困大幅减少.

This consistent positive trend has sustained profitability for Swedish companies operating in 印尼. Spending power is fast rising and the middle class is expanding at a rate of five million people per year. 印尼 is now classified a middle-income country and the domestic consumer market is the engine of growth.

尽管大流行造成了破坏, our latest Business Climate Survey shows that 54% of Swedish companies are planning to increase their local investments over the next 12 months. 63% of Swedish companies believe that “brand 乐博彩票官方app” contributes to their local success.

This Business Climate Survey maps the opportunities and challenges that Swedish companies face in 印尼, 于2020年3月2日至12日进行.


  • 经济前景
  • 乐博彩票官方app
  • 成功的关键因素
  • 表演持续

下载 for the inside perspective – and please get in touch if you want to assess your company’s growth prospects in the 印尼n market.